API Dashboard & Call Rate Limit
The new API dashboard are the data about your usage API to our public API . The interface is made up of a table view contain of LoginID, Endpoint, Method, IPAddress and Timestamp.
You must Enable Config Log to record your usage activities in Menu Setup -> More Menu -> API Configuration
Usage Activities
List of Usage Activities that hit our public API
Report Top 10
Group by User, Endpoint and IPAddress
API Call Rate Limit
Each endpoint have a rate limit applied to ensure our system stability. We implement "fixed window" rate limiting in which we cap the maximum number of requests in a fixed time window. The default Rate Limit applied is 50 request / all endpoint in 180 seconds time window
Checking your rate limit status
The response header returned after you completed request from an endpoint can be used to find the number of API Call available before you hit your cap.
We will return 429 (Too Many Request) status code once you exceed the Rate Limit applied
Header Name | Description | Value (Sample) |
RateLimit-Limit | The maximum number of requests you're permitted to make per 180 seconds. | 50 |
RateLimit-Remaining | The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window that user can use to access our endpoint before get http status code 429 (Too Many Requests). | 49 |
RateLimit-Policy | Fixed window rate limiting restricts the number of API requests at a specific time. If the client exceeds this rate limit, they may receive an error response or be temporarily blocked from making further requests after resetting the limits back | 50;w=180 |
The rate limit header we return is in accordance with the Standard which is published by IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-httpapi-ratelimit-headers-06.html#name-ratelimit-header-field-defi
Postman Response Header Sample
This is a sample Response analyzed using Postman
Increase Rate Limit Quota
If the application you develop require higher Rate Limit please contact us by sending an email to info@dealpos.com
- Subject: API Rate Limit Quota Increase
- Message: Explain the type of application you are developing and the new number of Rate Limit you would like to have