Operations related to authentication tokens
Also available as HTTP POST (endpoint: /api/v3/Customer/p)
Required Group Role: "Contacts" - "VIEW"
curl -i -X GET \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Name": "Ferdiansyah Rahman",
"Outlet": "Outlet1",
"PageNumber": 1,
"PageSize": 20,
"From": "2021-01-01",
"To": "2021-01-28"
[ { "Name": "A WI", "Code": "TIA20887", "Mobile": "089621973221", "Email": "secyliac@gmail.com", "BirthDate": "1995-03-01T00:00:00", "JoinDate": "2021-01-31T00:00:00", "ID": "298bb6ce-d337-43ab-9c9f-5b289f0f5c95" }, { "Name": "a. asyura alikha", "Code": "TIA9981", "Mobile": "0896219732212", "Email": "asyuraalikha@gmail.com", "BirthDate": "1994-12-17T00:00:00", "JoinDate": "2021-02-28T00:00:00", "ID": "4d055ee5-6c92-4862-8c8d-d62cef19dce5" }, { "Name": "A. Dalaisa A. Beso", "Code": "TIA21264", "Mobile": "089621973223", "Email": "ndisabeni@yahoo.com", "BirthDate": "1996-06-22T00:00:00", "JoinDate": "2021-03-25T00:00:00", "ID": "620bf557-14ff-48ff-aeea-2ab769435830" } ]
curl -i -X PUT \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Email": "thomy@dealpos.com",
"Name": "Thomy Kurniawan",
"FirstName": "Thomy",
"LastName": "Kurniawan",
"Birthdate": "1989-04-20",
"Phone": "085710977713",
"Mobile": "085710977713",
"Address": "Jl. Muara Karang P3T No.30",
"Gender": false,
"Code": "Tk1010",
"Group": "Gold",
"ExpiredGroup": "2018-12-31",
"LoyaltyPoint": 88,
"Status": "Active"
{ "ID": "c27bfb13-4936-43e5-bd7d-410dc8d041c2", "Message": "Record updated" }
curl -i -X POST \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Email": "Hendry@dealpos.com",
"Name": "Hendry",
"FirstName": "Hendry",
"LastName": "Wijaya",
"Birthdate": "1994-03-21",
"Phone": "0215865894",
"Mobile": "08569314515",
"Address": "Jl. Muara Karang P3T No.30",
"Gender": false,
"Status": "Active",
"Code": "HW001",
"Group": "Gold",
"ExpiredGroup": "2019-12-31",
"LoyaltyPoint": 88,
"ImageURL": "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcR5MITQo_ngwwEGEZqlw7PQLiaO21AoYmLRSkSF5Q2UwJuPgYZx",
"SignUpOutlet": "Outlet1"
{ "ID": "2ce78ff3-a07d-4205-ba93-1a9d22172985" }
curl -i -X DELETE \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Email": "hendry@dealpos.com"
"Customer has been deleted successfully."
curl -i -X GET \
'https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/id/{id}' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{ "ID": "5acffe34-346f-4888-afd8-0a551e556681", "Name": "Tafta tata", "Email": "Tafta@dealpos.com", "Title": "Mr.", "FirstName": "Tafta", "LastName": "tata", "Gender": "Male", "Code": "HW008", "Phone": "021-66698155", "MobilePhone": "081588818888", "Fax": "6325894", "Address": "Jl. Lenteng Agung", "City": "Jakarta", "Nationality": "Indonesian", "ReferredBy": "449e35af-190d-4137-aa13-9cf2cf6af57a", "Identification": "3173656111", "Birthday": "18 Mar 1994", "JoinDate": "22 Jul 2019", "Group": "Gold", "ExpiredGroup": "31 Jul 2019", "SignUpOutlet": "Outlet1", "ImageURL": "//res.cloudinary.com/dealposdev/image/upload//Contact/ff63d5ad-b42b-4a84-a77f-eb40f0bd6dd8/0.jpg", "LoyaltyPoint": 88, "Status": "Active" }
Also available as HTTP POST with the same endpoint
Required Group Role: "Contacts" - "VIEW"
curl -i -X GET \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/Email \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Email": "tafta@dealpos.com"
{ "ID": "5acffe34-346f-4888-afd8-0a551e556681", "Name": "Tafta tata", "Email": "Tafta@dealpos.com", "Title": "Mr.", "FirstName": "Tafta", "LastName": "tata", "Gender": "Male", "Code": "HW008", "Phone": "021-66698155", "MobilePhone": "081588818888", "Fax": "6325894", "Address": "Jl. Lenteng Agung", "City": "Jakarta", "Nationality": "Indonesian", "ReferredBy": "449e35af-190d-4137-aa13-9cf2cf6af57a", "Identification": "3173656111", "Birthday": "18 Mar 1994", "JoinDate": "22 Jul 2019", "Group": "Gold", "ExpiredGroup": "31 Jul 2019", "SignUpOutlet": "Outlet1", "ImageURL": "//res.cloudinary.com/dealposdev/image/upload//Contact/ff63d5ad-b42b-4a84-a77f-eb40f0bd6dd8/0.jpg", "LoyaltyPoint": 88, "Status": "Active" }
Also available as HTTP POST with the same endpoint
Required Group Role: "Contacts" - "VIEW"
curl -i -X GET \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/Code \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Code": "HW008"
{ "ID": "5acffe34-346f-4888-afd8-0a551e556681", "Name": "Tafta tata", "Email": "Tafta@dealpos.com", "Title": "Mr.", "FirstName": "Tafta", "LastName": "tata", "Gender": "Male", "Code": "HW008", "Phone": "021-66698155", "MobilePhone": "081588818888", "Fax": "6325894", "Address": "Jl. Lenteng Agung", "City": "Jakarta", "Nationality": "Indonesian", "ReferredBy": "449e35af-190d-4137-aa13-9cf2cf6af57a", "Identification": "3173656111", "Birthday": "18 Mar 1994", "JoinDate": "22 Jul 2019", "Group": "Gold", "ExpiredGroup": "31 Jul 2019", "SignUpOutlet": "Outlet1", "ImageURL": "//res.cloudinary.com/dealposdev/image/upload//Contact/ff63d5ad-b42b-4a84-a77f-eb40f0bd6dd8/0.jpg", "LoyaltyPoint": 88, "Status": "Active" }
Also available as HTTP POST with the same endpoint
Required Group Role: "Contacts" - "VIEW"
curl -i -X GET \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/MobilePhone \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"MobilePhone": "081588818888"
{ "ID": "5acffe34-346f-4888-afd8-0a551e556681", "Name": "Tafta tata", "Email": "Tafta@dealpos.com", "Title": "Mr.", "FirstName": "Tafta", "LastName": "tata", "Gender": "Male", "Code": "HW008", "Phone": "021-66698155", "MobilePhone": "081588818888", "Fax": "6325894", "Address": "Jl. Lenteng Agung", "City": "Jakarta", "Nationality": "Indonesian", "ReferredBy": "449e35af-190d-4137-aa13-9cf2cf6af57a", "Identification": "3173656111", "Birthday": "18 Mar 1994", "JoinDate": "22 Jul 2019", "Group": "Gold", "ExpiredGroup": "31 Jul 2019", "SignUpOutlet": "Outlet1", "ImageURL": "//res.cloudinary.com/dealposdev/image/upload//Contact/ff63d5ad-b42b-4a84-a77f-eb40f0bd6dd8/0.jpg", "LoyaltyPoint": 88, "Status": "Active" }
curl -i -X PUT \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/ByCode \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Code": "0011",
"Name": "Hendry Wijaya",
"FirstName": "Hendry",
"LastName": "Wijaya",
"Birthdate": "1994-03-21",
"Email": "hendryw@gmail.com",
"Phone": "0216892235",
"Mobile": "081589632178",
"Address": "Jl.Pluit Karang Jelita no 51",
"Gender": "Male",
"Group": "Gold",
"ExpiredGroup": "2020-12-12",
"LoyaltyPoint": 80,
"Status": "Active",
"ReferredByID": "c27bfb13-4936-43e5-bd7d-410dc8d041c2"
{ "ID": "c27bfb13-4936-43e5-bd7d-410dc8d041c2", "Message": "Record updated" }
curl -i -X PUT \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/ByID \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"ID": "c27bfb13-4936-43e5-bd7d-410dc8d041c2",
"Name": "Hendry Wijaya",
"Code": "0011",
"FirstName": "Hendry",
"LastName": "Wijaya",
"Birthdate": "1994-03-21",
"Email": "hendryw@gmail.com",
"Phone": "0216892235",
"Mobile": "081589632178",
"Address": "Jl.Pluit Karang Jelita no 51",
"Gender": "Male",
"Group": "Gold",
"ExpiredGroup": "2020-12-12",
"LoyaltyPoint": 80,
"Status": "Active"
{ "ID": "c27bfb13-4936-43e5-bd7d-410dc8d041c2", "Message": "Record updated" }
curl -i -X PUT \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/ByMobilePhone \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Code": "0011",
"Name": "Hendry Wijaya",
"FirstName": "Hendry",
"LastName": "Wijaya",
"Birthdate": "1994-03-21",
"Email": "hendryw@gmail.com",
"Phone": "0216892235",
"Mobile": "081589632178",
"Address": "Jl.Pluit Karang Jelita no 51",
"Gender": "Male",
"Group": "Gold",
"ExpiredGroup": "2020-12-12",
"LoyaltyPoint": 80,
"Status": "Active"
{ "ID": "c27bfb13-4936-43e5-bd7d-410dc8d041c2", "Message": "Record updated" }
curl -i -X PUT \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/VerifyMobile \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Mobile": "081574945443",
"MobileVerified": false
{ "Message": "Update Mobile Verified is success" }
curl -i -X PUT \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/VerifyEmail \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Email": "raizaldi.achmad@gmail.com",
"EmailVerified": true
{ "Message": "Update Email Verified is success" }
curl -i -X DELETE \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/DeleteByCode \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Code": "0011"
{ "Message": "Customer ID: 4b237266-a20d-4979-87e9-685b8fd41658 has been deleted successfully." }
Also available as HTTP POST with the same endpoint
Required Group Role: "Contacts" - "VIEW"
curl -i -X GET \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/WithTotalCount \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"PageNumber": 1,
"PageSize": 20,
"From": "2021-01-01",
"To": "2021-01-28"
{ "Data": [ { … }, { … }, { … } ], "TotalCount": 100 }
Suspend a Customer by their ID, Code, Email, & Phone. You can choose ONE of those options because those options have this hierarchy tier:
If ID is not found, we will search for the Code, and so on base on those hierarchy
You must have "EDIT" role in "Contacts" Module OR "EDIT" role in "Global" Module
curl -i -X PUT \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/Suspend \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"ID": "c27bfb13-4936-43e5-bd7d-410dc8d041c2",
"Code": "HWCISAP",
"Email": "hendryw@gmail.com",
"Phone": "0216892235"
"Message": "The contact has been successfully suspended."
Unsuspend a Customer by their ID, Code, Email, & Phone. You can choose ONE of those options because those options have this hierarchy tier:
If ID is not found, we will search for the Code, and so on base on those hierarchy
You must have "EDIT" role in "Contacts" Module OR "EDIT" role in "Global" Module
curl -i -X PUT \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/Unsuspend \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"ID": "c27bfb13-4936-43e5-bd7d-410dc8d041c2",
"Code": "HWCISAP",
"Email": "hendryw@gmail.com",
"Phone": "0216892235"
"Message": "The contact has been successfully unsuspended."
This API is only working if you use Customer Code Generator (auto increment customer code Learn more Here).
With this API, you can get the Next Customer code that the generator could assign. For example, the last customer code existed is MM-003, the API will return "MM-004" as the response.
curl -i -X GET \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/NewCode \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{ "Message": "The contact has been successfully suspended." }
curl -i -X PUT \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/Merge \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"mergeTarget": "f930a0ba-21da-47fd-99a4-5dcc98fb10c8",
"deleted": [
{ "Message": "Merge Completed" }
curl -i -X GET \
'https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/PIN?ID=string' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{ "PIN": "123654" }
curl -i -X PUT \
https://subdomain.dealpos.net/api/v3/Customer/PIN \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"ID": "2b4c7d76-6ac7-49a3-a1f2-6022439d7958",
"PIN": "123456"
{ "Message": "PIN for Customer 2b4c7d76-6ac7-49a3-a1f2-6022439d7958 already set" }